Is eating late at night really THAT bad?
By Jessie Funchion, MS, RD, LDN According to some recent studies, yes! In a study on meal timing and…
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Philadelphia Family Food Nutritionist
By Jessie Funchion, MS, RD, LDN According to some recent studies, yes! In a study on meal timing and…
by Jessie Funchion, MS, RD, LDN As of now, the research tells us that yes, the consumption of soy foods…
June is Dairy Month. All cow’s milk, like human milk, inherently contains growth hormones. Among the most publicized is bovine growth hormone (BGH), or bovine somatotropin (BST) – a hormone that cows naturally produce. The synthetic form, rBGH or rBST, is given to cows to extend the lactation period by increasing levels of another hormone, insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), ultimately increasing milk production with less feed, less animal waste and less methane production.
by Elizabeth May, RDN, LDN Carrageenan has been in our food supply for decades now and is one of the…
Have you been mindful lately? Mindful eating, also known as intuitive eating, is the concept of becoming more in tune…
Have you jumped on the Millet band wagon yet? Move over quinoa there is a new grain making the rounds!…
Most of us are blessed with a bounty of delicious foods and drinks – during the holidays and throughout the…
Unsurprisingly, pumpkins reign in autumn, but there is a bounty of other produce at their best in these cooler months.…
As of today, it is officially Autumn. That truly only means one thing: It is officially OK to eat pumpkin!…
Try going to the supermarket or seeing a food ad and not see the promotion of protein. It seems like…