Image by Susan Albers

Have you been mindful lately?

Mindful eating, also known as intuitive eating, is the concept of becoming more in tune with our bodies and being more present in the moment with our food. When was the last time you truly enjoyed your meal? Truly tasted, savored and respected all of the flavors that were present. Do you know where your food came from? How it was prepared? These are all questions you might want to ask yourself when trying to be more mindful with your eating.

Recognize your hunger signals. Try to distinguish the difference between being satisfied, instead of stuffed or full. As an experiment, rate your hunger level on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being completely full and not hungry and 5 being absolutely famished. What level were you when you began the meal? What level were you after?

Enjoy the experience. Grab a small square of chocolate. Turn off all distractions (computers, devices, phone, etc). Place the chocolate in your mouth and let it melt for 15 seconds without chewing it. What sensations are you experiencing? How does it smell? Taste? Think of as many descriptions as you can and write them down.

Apply some of these tactics to your next meal. Try eating lunch away from your desk and without any distractions. Leave your phone behind and savor each bite. Be present in the moment. Recognize when you are satisfied and stop eating.


Further reading:

Eating Mindfully: How to End Mindless Eating and Enjoy a Balanced Relationship with Food by Susan Albers

Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program that Works by Evelyn Tribole M.S. R.D

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